+38044 332-88-30
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+38050 826-96-50
+38044 572-37-00


Dear chief managers!

For the time being it is very important for the companies to be up to date with their accounting services. This requires tracking all of the law changes over 24/7 to prevent your business from any risks happened. Not all accounting officers have an ability and knowledge to be safe on tracking any changes on time.

Do not risk of your business by hiring unsafe accountants! It is always safer to work with auditing service which shares all your risks when verification by controlling departments happened.

Such professional service is always reasonable and safer for you and your business!

Best regards,
Revenko L.B.
  • Auditing Services

    We provide audit verification services for all the business types & companies.
    — Tax audit
    — Audit by request
    — HR audit
    — Express-audit
    — Confirmation of salvage balance

  • Outsourcing of accounting services

    We support all kinds of accounting options (outsourcing for accounting services or salary). This service is cost efficient in comparison to additional charges needed for keeping a professional accountant on board;
    — Outsourcing for accounting services
    — Outsourcing for salary accounting
    — Re-engineering for accounting sevices

  • Consulting services

    We offer support for finding out solutions for complex issues and further optimization of our business.

  • Legal services

    We offer solutions for any potential law issues with your business from one-time to complete monthly support from our side.

Audit company "Ukrainian Audit" has been established in April 2000. We have been working for 11+ years on Ukrainian market. We provide consulting services, audit and complete accounting services for companies and person-businessmans, legal & tax consulting, training and verification of HR, supporting of 1C accounting, open&close services for companies & person-businessmans.

Our mission is to provide professional solutions, quality & no-risk services for your business.

We take care of you, when you turned on and off the work. We assist your business in future growing. We follow Competence, Quality & Expertise principles.

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